to articles for publication in the journal
«Scientific Notes of the
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University»
The journal receives articles on the following scientific branches:
In accordance with Order No. 118 of February 24, 2021 “On approval of the nomenclature of scientific specialties in which academic degrees are awarded, and amendments to the Regulations on the Council for defending dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Science, for the degree of Doctor of Science, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2017 № 1093
Code and name of the group of scientific specialties | Code and name of scientific specialty | The name of the branches of science in which academic degrees are awarded |
5.2. Economics | 5.2.1. Economic Theory | economic
5.2.2. Mathematical, Statistical and Instrumental Methods in Economics | economic
5.2.3. Regional and Sectoral Economy | economic
5.2.4. Economic Finance | economic | |
5.2.5. World Economy | economic | |
5.2.6. Management | economic | |
2.5. Mechanical Engineering
2.5.5. Technology and Equipment for Mechanical and Physical-Technical Processing | technical |
2.5.6. Engineering Technology | technical | |
2.5.8.Welding, Related Processes and Technologies | technical | |
2.9. Transport Systems | 2.9.4. Transportation Process Management | technical |
2.9.5. Operation of Road Transport | technical |
The publication reviews all materials coming to the editorial board that are relevant to its subject matter, with a view to their expert evaluation. All reviewers are recognized experts on the topic of peer-reviewed materials and have published in the last 3 years on the subject of the article being reviewed. The reviews are kept in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years.
Manuscripts which can be published in the journal are sent to the members of the editorial board or to other experts according to the profile of scientific research, if there is a positive response from the editor-in-chief. The main criteria for assessing the manuscript by the editor-in-chief are the originality of the content, high quality, scientific rigor and interest for a wide audience of readers.
If it is necessary, the other specialists with academic degrees and (or) academic titles can also take part in reviewing by decision of the editor-in-chief.
The articles of the members of the editorial board of the journal and doctors of science are not reviewed.
Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the property of the authors and they refer to information that is not disclosed. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles for their needs.
The editors of the publication send copies of reviews or motivated refusals to the authors of the submitted materials, and also undertake to send copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of the corresponding request to the editorial office.
The author of the peer-reviewed work is given the opportunity to review the text of the review (on request).
If there is an indication in the review of the article that it is necessary to correct it, it is sent to the author for revision. In this case, the date of receipt is the date of return of the revised article.
In the case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned response to the editorial office of the journal. The article can be sent to re-review or to approval by the editorial board.
The decision on the expediency of publication after reviewing is made by the editor-in-chief, and if it is necessary by the editorial board as a whole.
Adoption of the article for publication assumes a free perpetual transfer by the author (s) of an article of non-exclusive copyrights of the editorial board.
All exclusive rights remain with the authors of the articles.
The editors make an agreement with each author for the transfer, storage and processing of their personal data in various databases and information systems, including them in analytical and statistical reporting.
Terms of publication of materials
Materials are submitted in Russian, English,
Ukrainian languages.
To publish an article in the journal, you must provide the following information:
1) the text of the article;
2) information about the author in Russian and English (the first two positions):
– Full name of the author;
– academic degree, academic title, position and place of work / study or competition (full name and abbreviation);
– Work address (with index);
– home address (with index);
– contact phone number;
– E-mail address;
– a scanned receipt for payment of the article (AFTER APPROVAL OF ADMISSION OF THE ARTICLE).
In the file name, you must specify the journal NUMBER, the name of the FIRST author. All must be sent in different files (in Word format), in one letter to e-mail:
Or to the postal address: 295015, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Lane Training, 8, GBOUVO RK Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University.
When we receive materials, the editorial board sends the letter «The accepted article» to the author’s address within 3-10 days. Authors who sent articles by e-mail and who did not receive confirmation of their receipt by the editorial board, please duplicate the application.
All articles are checked in the «Antiplagiat» program.
The uniqueness of the text should be at least 75%.
Articles with a uniqueness of 50% or less are returned to the authors and will not be accepted for further consideration.
Requirements for registration of articles
- The format of the text: Word for Windows – 95/97/2000/2003. Sheet format: A4 (210×297 mm). Fields: 2.0 cm on all sides. Orientation: book, alignment in width. Font: size (size) – 14, type – Times New Roman. Line spacing: one and a half. Indentation: 1.25. Pages are numbered. Transfers are not allowed. Figures, graphs and tables must be executed in the MSWord or MSExcel program and do not go beyond the page settings. The name and numbers of the figures are indicated under the figures, the names and numbers of the tables are above the tables. Formulas are executed in MSEquotation (not italic).
- UDC is placed in the left corner.
- After two intervals, the full name of the author is indicated. If there are several authors of the article, then information is provided about each author. Abbreviations are not allowed!
- On the next line, the title of the article is printed in capital letters (bold), in the center.
- The name of the article in English is indicated by a space.
So, the next line prints the abstract in Russian and English (italicized), font 12, the interval is single. Volume – not less than 500 and not more than 1000 characters (with spaces).
The abstract presents a brief summary of the content of the article, including the main facts and conclusions, without additional interpretation or criticism of the author of the article. The text of the abstract should not contain information that is not in the article. It should be laconic, persuasive, and lack of background information. It is necessary to avoid unnecessary introductory phrases (for example, «the author of the article considers …»). In the text of the annotation you should use standardized terminology and observe the unity of terminology with the article. Abbreviations and abbreviations in the text of the abstract are not allowed. Annotation to the article should be informative (do not contain general words); (To reflect the main content of the article and the results of the research); Structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article).
- The following are the key words (in Russian and English) are separated from each other by a comma, font 12, the interval is single.
- Next, after 1 interval – the text of the article.
- The article must contain a list of literature. References to the literature are made in square brackets [3, p. 14] or [4] as they relate.
- The list of used literature is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (GOST R 7.0.11-2011 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION «System of Standards for Information, Library and Publishing» DISSERTATION AND ABSTRACT OF DISSERTATION: Structure and Rules of Registration”).
- Review of Doctor of Science (for candidates of sciences and authors who do not have a scientific degree).
- Articles are accepted in the volume of 8-15 pages.
The structure of the article
The article can be presented in the form of an account of the results of one’s own research or a review of the literature, published research results on this issue.
In the first case, the article should contain the following headings:
1) statement of the problem in general form, its description in connection with important scientific or practical tasks, description of the research object;
2) analysis of the latest research and publications (literature analysis), in which this problem is considered and on which the author relies, highlighting the previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;
3) the clear statement of the purpose of the article, resulting from the results of the literature review and containing a list of tasks to be solved (within the framework of the article);
4) the summary of the main material of the study with full justification of the obtained scientific results;
5) conclusions on this research, logically consistent with the purpose of the article, and prospects for further development in this direction.
6) literature.
References should include at least 6-8 sources.
The review paper should have the following structure:
1) the statement of the problem in general terms, its characterization in connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
2) the clear statement of the purpose of the article;
3) presentation of the main material, which is a critical analysis of research and scientific publications on this issue;
4) conclusions on this review and a forecast for the further development of the scientific problem.
5) literature.
The review article should be based on a list containing at least 20-25 publications, of which at least 50% are modern (not older than 10 years).
Figures, graphs, schemes should be executed clearly in black and white. The size of one picture is not more than A4 format. It is necessary to minimize the explanations in the figure, translating them into signatures. All details of the picture when it decreases, should be well distinguished.
Photos should have a contrast image and be in electronic form in black and white.
All figures are numbered in Arabic numerals through numbering, and are supplied with concise and accurate signatures. The illustration should contain links in the text. At the reference it is necessary to write a word «drawing».
Tables should only be used to represent data that can not be described in the text. The tables are placed below the text in which they were first referenced, or on the next page. All links should be cited in the text. At the link it is necessary to write the word «table» with the indication of its number. The words in the tables should be written completely, the hyphenation must be arranged correctly. In the cell of the table at the end of the sentence the point is not put.
Formulas in the text of the article must be numbered in Arabic numerals through numbering. The number is enclosed in parentheses and written at the level of the formula on the right.
References and bibliography
- When designing a bibliographic list we use a systematic (in the order of the first mention in the text) method of grouping bibliographic records.
- The references and the bibliographic list must be in accordance with GOST R 7.0.11-2011 (text in square brackets).
Examples of registration of bibliographic records of documents in the list of literature
- Baranov A.N. Russian political metaphor (materials to the dictionary) / A.N. Baranov, Yu. N. Karaulov. – Moscow: The Institute of the Russian Language, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1991. – 193 p.
- Gaidaenko T.A. Marketing management: principles of management decisions and Russian practice / T.A. Gaidaenko. – 3rd ed., Pererab. And additional. – Moscow: Eksmo: MIRBIS, 2008. – 508 p.
- Spivak R.S. Russian philosophical lyrics. 1910-ies. I. Bunin. A. Block. V. Mayakovsky / R.S. Spivak. – 2 nd ed. – Moscow: Flint: Science, 2005. – 408 p.
- Danilevsky R. Yu. Friedrich Schiller and Russia: a monograph / R. Yu. Danilevsky; Otv. Ed. G. A. Tim. – St. Petersburg .: Pushkin House, 2013. – 651 p.
- Lermontov M. Yu. Collected works: 4 t. / Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov; [comment. I. Andronikova]. – M.: Terra-Kn. club, 2009. – T. 4. – 536 p.
- Berestova, T.F. Search tools of the library / T.F. Berestova // Bibliography. – 2006. – №. 6. – P. 18-30.
- Krieger I. The paper suffers / I. Krieger // Novaya gazeta. – 2009. – 1 July.
- Makeeva M. N. Rhetoric of the artistic text and its hermeneutic consequences: dis. … Dr. Philol. Sciences: 10.02.19 / Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna. – Krasnodar, 2000. – 436 with.
- Lukina V. A. The creative history of «Notes of a Hunter» IS Turgenev: Dis. … cand. Philol. Sciences: 10.01.01 / Lukina Valentina Alexandrovna. – St. Petersburg, 2006. – 26 p.
- White A. A. Laughter laughing. A look at «Woe from Wit» over the shoulder of Pushkin [Electronic resource] / AA Bely. – Access mode: – (Accessed: 20.02.2022)
- Art encyclopedia of foreign classical art [Electronic resource]. – Moscow: Bolshoy Ros. Encycl., 1996. – 1 electron, opt. Disk (CD-ROM).
- Kufaev M.N. Letter to B.S. Bodnarsky from October 20, 1925 // RL RS. F. 573. Cardboard 41. D. 55. L. 18. (Letters of M.N. Kufaev to B.S. Bodnarsky, 1920-1930-ies).
- Materials on the organization of the Press College at the Research Institute of Book Studies // TSGALI SPb. F. 306. Op. 1. Unit. Hr. 381.
- Rozanov I.N. How the library of the Historical Museum was created: dokl. At a meeting of the Academic Council. Pub. East. B-ki of the RSFSR June 30, 1939 // GARF. F. A-513. Op. 1. D. 12. L. 14.
Terms of payment
In order to reimburse organizational, publishing and printing expenses, the cost of one page is 600 rubles, sending one copy of the magazine by registered mail throughout Russia is 250 rubles.
Payment for articles is made by postal order:
Adzhimet Gulnara Khalidovna. Poste restante.
Simferopol, Uchebny Lane, 8,
295015, Republic of Crimea.